
37 week pregnancy update

Okay, so it is official I am technically 'full term' now! Eek! That basically means that the baby could arrive at any time and, although I am expecting to go to 40 weeks, if the baby came today, he wouldn't be considered premature and would be developed enough to cope without medical intervention- God willing!
How amazing is that though? I'm really excited this week as we are so near the end now, I can see the finish line in sight and all I want is to meet this baby now and introduce him to Daddy and Noah!
Today I am popping into town to get the very last bits I need for my hospital bag and baby's and as soon as I have everything together, I will post a blog so you can see what we are bringing.

 How far along? 37 weeks!

Total weight gain/ measurements: I weighed myself this morning and I have now gained 37lbs-which seems like loads! But actually, compared with last time around it isn't as much at all. I am starting to think about fitness again post-partum. Eddy and I have a 'get fit for summer' plan- we will see how that works out! Haha.

My measurements are: waist 30", tummy 45"- Wow! Baby has grown this week! I don't seem to carry much extra weight on my tummy this pregnancy as my bump is definitely not as large this time around. It is rock hard and pretty much all baby, so I'm pretty sure that the size increases reflect his growth, which, at this stage does not surprise me at all. 

Maternity clothes: Today I am wearing my Asos maternity skinny jeans, a h&m tank top and a knitted tunic from Next. The tunic is not maternity, but it's super cosy and long so it covers me nicely.

Stretch marks: Still lathering the lotions and potions! Haha! I have noticed one tiny stretch mark under my bump. I guess this is the stage where they either make an appearance or not! It's nothing too major at this point. I do feel a little bit proud though, they are, as my sister refers to them, battle scars! 

Sleep: Sleep is overrated surely? I am bracing myself for months of no sleep, so any I get now is a bonus. Noah is not sleeping through the night at the moment and I suspect he knows something is changing as he seems quite clingy at the moment. 

Best moment this week: Today I am having a highly self-indulgent day to myself! I honestly cannot remember the last time I had one of these! Eddy is taking Noah to meet his Grandma so he can pick up some of our things that were left behind at their house over christmas. As I have a midwife appointment, I am staying behind by myself. Hoping to get in some retail therapy and get the hospital bags finished!

Miss anything? Not really

Movement: Plenty of movement all the time. Lots of wriggles and kicks at all hours of the day and night.

Food cravings: Nothing specific.

Anything making you feel queasy or sick? Not especially, but heartburn can be quite aggressive at the moment so that makes me a bit green in the face.

Gender: Boy!

Labour signs: Quite a few this week! I actually did think perhaps this is it at one point! I would say they are Braxton Hicks as I have been experiencing cramps and a fair bit of discomfort. I find walking into town brings on Braxton Hicks for a couple of hours, but then they fade which is the tell tale sign that it's not true labour. By this stage with Noah's pregnancy I was resting a whole lot more than I am now. But this time around, I just can't seem to sit still and having Noah to myself all day everyday means a lot of running around! I'm savouring these moments though because they are soon going to change.

Symptoms: I have been feeling really tired in the afternoons. Like, unreasonably tired I think! When Eddy gets home from work all I want to do is flop on the sofa! I am trying to resist though as I know we really need to be in this as a team. I just find my energy seems to really dip and that makes it really hard to move about and chase Noah around. I feel pretty bad about it as I sometimes feel I just can't offer Noah the best of myself right now. That said, I know this phase will pass and my energy will return when I'm no longer nine months pregnant.

Belly button in or out? Out!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy/moody most of the time? I feel quite emotional at the moment. Not being around family this time brings its own set of worries about the 'what if's' when I do go into labour and just after the birth initially. 

Looking forward to? Meeting this baby! As nerve wrecking as this stage of pregnancy is, I am overjoyed at the the thought of a new addition to our family and Noah having a little brother to take care of. The anticipation for the future greatly outweighs the fear of now!

That is everything for this week guys! Who knows if this will be my last pregnancy update? (I suspect not!) But, stay tuned for my 38 week update next week- if we are still here!

Love Bunty

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