I've been on the hunt for a new handbag for what seems like months now. I don't have a 'collection' per se as I prefer to get as much wear out of one at a time and I don't really enjoy the hassle of swapping between bags every few days. I'm not particularly bothered by changing my bag up to suit my outfit either, so it just works for me to keep hold of one and run it into the ground before swapping it for a new one!
Whilst I was perusing the internet recently and finding myself at a bit of a loss for bags, I saw Joules had some of their big beach ones in the sale and, with beach holidays already on my mind, I thought this would be perfect as a 'mum bag' for our hols.
I think I literally paid about £13 for this which was a bit of a steal, especially when it arrived and I saw how much space capacity it had!
Seriously, this bag is huge inside! It's definitely not ideal as an everyday handbag as being completely open, it really isn't secure. But for family car journeys, beach days and picnics, amongst so many other uses, this bag is seriously great!
Being bright pink and yellow, I'm all too aware that I won't be able to carry this off every single day even if I wanted to, but as it's lightweight, easy access and just a bit of fun- I thought, why not!?
Yes, its a bit bright and in your face, but I'm definitely a fan of the odd pop of colour now and again! My mum had recently bought me this cute stripey Joules top too so it was nice to be able take my obsession for stripes to a new level of co-ordination!
Eddy and I went outside to take these shots and I was a bit surprised with how vibrant the bag really looked in the outdoor light, I think I liked it even more!
Whilst my hunt for an actual 'everyday' bag continues, this one has been a joy to use so far and I'm all the more excited to get on our summer hols now!
I bought this bag from a choice of three colours online at John Lewis, just incase you're interested in bagging one for yourself (haha, pun intended)
Hope you're all having a nice week,
Love Bunty
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