
All is calm...

Recently, I've been doing well at co-odrinating the boys naps, which is no easy task considering my youngest doesn't like day time naps one bit! However, after lunch we all troop upstairs, favourite teddies in hand, and I tuck the boys into their beds for a little siesta.
And then, an almost tangible feeling of peace and calm comes over the house. Silence descends and I feel compelled to pause and just appreciate that moment.
Silence can be a wonderful balm. Space and time to think your own thoughts and consider your next move with clarity- now there's a priviledge I have taken for granted in the past!

I have been feeling quite frazzled with everything going on in our lives these past couple of weeks. I'm not good at running in the 200mph track and find it quite easy to become overwhelmed. Does anyone else feel this way? It's just been a super full on time for us: getting used to new surroundings, figuring out how a new house 'works' and yes, (surprise surprise) still unpacking! 

When the children are sleeping, my opportunity to be still comes around and, whilst the temptation to clear the path of toys, food and chaos, can be too much to ignore; I have been trying to make a conscious effort to steal a moment for myself during nap time. Just making a cup of tea and pausing to actually enjoy it can do wonders for my patience, my energy, my engagement in the evening routine. 

I suppose it's all about keeping a balance in family life. Whilst we often focus our attention on striving to be 'perfect' parents, maintaining balance plays a far bigger role in maintaining sanity than I ever appreciated!

Mamas, how do you balance all the spinning plates?

Love Bunty


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