
My favourite pastime & our forever home

I thought I would share with you one of my absolute favourite ways of unwinding without needing to leave the home (or the kids for that matter!) It's not always possible to get out with the children, especially if Eddy is out on business trips as we only have the one car. And living in the countryside means that we are quite remote and can't exactly walk to the shops...or anywhere that isn't a field! 
But sometimes we all have those days when we look forward to taking five and when the kids are settled with their toys or napping, one thing I really look forward to is putting the kettle on, brewing a cuppa and flicking through my favourite homey magazine for a little interior inspiration.

Whilst admittedly it probably makes me come across about twenty years older than I am, Country Homes & Interiors magazine has been a firm favourite of mine for such a long time. I've always taken a deep interest in interior design and this magazine is the perfect outlet to dream, collate ideas and mentally craft our 'forever home'.

Eddy and I have always been on the road since we were married. His line of work has meant a lot of moves, changes and experiencing life in different parts of the country and I suppose we've learnt a lot along the way. From our first marital home in a sweet countryside annexe, to a high rise modern apartment in bustling Gunwharf Quays, to a family home in the Lincolnshire countryside; we've learnt to adapt to quite a variety of dwellings in our time. We've also learnt that home is not a physical place but is qualified by the people around you, those that you treasure most. We've learnt that wherever we are together on the road, that is where home truly is. This has been such a comfort to be over the last few years, especially when I've found myself resisting change.

Despite the changes and inevitable moving around, we both share a longterm dream to build our forever home and this is something we really hope to achieve when we are finally able to settle and have the pennies saved to make it a reality. It's such an aspiration of ours and I find myself continually drawing inspiration from this particular magazine; ideas for style, appearance, furnishings, architecture- every little detail that would make our vision come to life!

My little magazine tea breaks are so much more than just a flick through a pretty magazine. They allow me to dream big, to be creative and to imagine our future when, hopefully, we won't be on the road quite so much.
Until then, we have so much to conquer and achieve and I know we have a great deal more travelling to do! But whilst I do have ten minutes of peace, it's just so refreshing to have a little outlet, to dream, plan and imagine the possibilities of the future!

(The doughnuts are obviously optional...but they sure do sweeten the moment!)

Where do you draw homey inspiration from?


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