Another week, another step closer to meeting bambino no: 3! These past few weeks I’ve begun to feel broody and excited all over again. My sense of expectation is really beginning to overtake the fear I have of birth which is just so lovely as, after my experience of labour last time, I’ve struggled mentally with overcoming the hurdle I know I am about to face! (By that, I mean labour itself- we’re obviously beyond excited to meet this little one!)
Maternity clothes: These days it’s a case of whatever fits, works! It’s funny how towards the end of pregnancy you care far less about how you look and 100% more about just being comfortable! I’m relying on a lot of similar outfits which offer the least amount of restriction in movement which just makes everything so much easier. Noah and Jonah aren’t slowing down one bit so I need to be able to move about easily to keep up!
This outfit is a classic 'go to' of late, I’m wearing my trusty khaki jeans from Next (which aren’t actually maternity but they do sit quite low so they don’t restrict the bump too much) and I’ve teamed them with a billowy wool jumper from Primark which I picked up the other day. Again, the jumper isn’t maternity but it’s big and covers well. I think it will be a really handy post partum piece!
This outfit is a classic 'go to' of late, I’m wearing my trusty khaki jeans from Next (which aren’t actually maternity but they do sit quite low so they don’t restrict the bump too much) and I’ve teamed them with a billowy wool jumper from Primark which I picked up the other day. Again, the jumper isn’t maternity but it’s big and covers well. I think it will be a really handy post partum piece!
Stretch marks: No new ones but my tummy has been quite itchy and uncomfortable. I think I've had a bit of a growth spurt in the bump region so I'm just lathering on lots of baby oil in the evenings to help relieve the discomfort.
Sleep: I’ve been doing pretty well at night time- aside for needing the bathroom every couple of hours!- The baby has a great way of squashing my bladder which is pretty uncomfortable at the best of times! He also seems to enjoy a particularly active session as soon as I lie down to sleep which always brings a smile to my face. It’s a nice, quiet time of the day where Eddy and I can share in watching his jerky movements and just relish in our love for him!
Miss anything: I miss being able to paint my toenails!
Movement: Getting lots of regular movements and they are a lot stronger and heavier. I find myself having to encourage little elbows and feet back from my rib cage and the sides of my tummy because it just feels so weird! I love how responsive the baby is though- just rubbing my tummy with my hands will often cause him to respond with a roll or kick!
Cravings: Okay so the mint craving has officially revved up to a whole new level! Did anyone else get this one? I have eaten so many spearmint soft mints in these past few weeks and I still just can’t seem to get enough of them! Thinking about mints makes me instantly crave them so I’m going to leave that one right here…
Anything making you feel queasy or sick? Heartburn still does but other than that I'm good!
Labour signs: I’ve been getting a few Braxton hicks contractions here and there along with pressure but nothing labour- worthy yet!
Symptoms: I was looking in the mirror yesterday and thought my tummy looked pretty low. I don't know if it's 'dropped' but it feels very heavy and the baby feels low down now. That whole sensation of walking as if there is a basketball between your thighs...yeah, that's back for a while it seems! The only other symptom I haven't really touched on is probably struggling to eat big meals in one go now. Everything inside is crammed and squashed and my stomach is struggling to take on very much in one sitting. (Apart from mints conveniently!) ;p
Belly button in or out? Out!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Looking forward to: Our holiday in Butlins this week, followed by a few days down in Cornwall! :)
That's everything for this week's update,
I'll see you next week for my 34 week update!
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