
Taking five

"You can't pour from an empty cup"

Even when the end of the day has come around, the children are nestled in their beds for the night and glorious peace descends on the house, I still sometimes struggle to simply sit quietly and switch off. The truth is that by this point I'm normally buzzing after the evening routine of feeding, changing, bathing, praying with the kids and tucking them into bed with stories and milk. It's a part of the day I love but by the time it's over, I always find myself looking and feeling a little bit frazzled!

Three children into my parenting journey, I am learning the importance of snatching momentary breaks and I have found those 'mummy batteries' are beginning to recharge as a result of simply taking a moment for myself. There's a beautiful saying that goes along the lines of "you can't pour from an empty cup" and it's one that is so applicable to parenthood. 

Since acknowledging the days where I have felt overwhelmed, I have also been making a conscious effort to 'take five' in the midst and already I feel better equipped to manage the busier parts of the day with 3 three and unders! For me it means putting my phone down, it means sitting somewhere comfortable and just closing my eyes for a few minutes -before the next laundry cycle alerts me to attention!

I LOVE being a mummy and I sometimes pinch myself that I am so privileged to be able to have three children. But I also recognize my humanity. I'm not 'superwoman', 'supermum' or particularly 'super' at anything which is why I know I need to be in a good place with myself in order to give my children the best version of me as their mother, their teacher, their safety net.

Mum's, how do you 'recharge' your batteries to keep up on the homefront? 



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