
Autumn Half Term

As a mother of three boys, the topic of trains is never too far from our daily lives. Noah particularly seems to have taken up a fascination with all things locomotive- even his current 'reading book' from school is about trains!

Since we are spending half-term in Devon (alongside Hugh Grant who happens to be filming in our very village this week!), Eddy and I decided we would make the most of the beautiful landscape and just try to fill these few days with as much adventure as possible with our boys.

Today we decided to take a short train from our local station into town where the boys could not only get their train fix but also stretch their legs, jump in alllll the muddy puddles and relish in the very real sense of autumn everywhere- cue the overcast clouds and rain!

As parents, we feel we are competeing more than ever with the enticements of the digital world (which our kids already show great interest in!) Be they iPads or televesions; I know our children are growing more fascinated with virtual reality and I suppose, whether consciously or not, I am trying to counter their interests in this area by showing them more of this wonderful world we live in.

Today really felt like a step in the right direction! With bellies full of pizza and hot chocolates (don't judge me :p), we slowly made our way back to the train station to catch our return train home with some very sleepy babes in tow.

I sometimes get so caught up with the idea of making memories with the children that I put too much pressure on planning the 'perfect' family day out which often ends up with unnessesary expense. Today was such a refreshing reminder that all you need is to step outside to find adventure. And the best kinds of adventures are often the simplest, the spontaneous and coincidentally, the most cost effective too!

It just goes to show that a wet and very dull Monday CAN provide the perfect backdrop to great family fun! Who'd have thought it?!

Some photos...


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