
Brothers & best friends

One thing I love about my boys is their creativity when it comes to playing together. In some ways, they remind me of my own childhood back when we didn’t have mobile phones, tv’s or the internet at our fingertips and so our days were spent creating our own entertainment.

 I’m really conscious at the moment of limiting the boys ‘tv time’ as I hate it being on for long periods and I just want to continue encouraging them to be imaginative. Take this evening, for example- Eddy and I were changing Joshua when Noah and Jonah decided to make an impromptu game of hiding in the wardrobe and excitedly waiting for daddy to find them. All of a sudden they went into ‘showtime’ mode and just wanted to make a real performance each time their daddy discovered them. It was such a funny, sweet moment together and it made me really ponder the bond these two brothers share. 

Whilst, admittedly, I spend a lot of my day breaking up wrestling matches and stopping bickering between them, Noah and Jonah are incredibly close as brothers and I think I sometimes forget how important their relationship is within our family framework. 
It makes me all the more excited for Joshua’s future as their brother and whilst I am definitely not wishing our time away, I do often catch myself wondering how they will all be in ten or even twenty years time!

Whilst for now, quiet and peaceful evenings might be a thing of the past, these little boys know how to have their parents in stitches with laughter and we love them all the more for sharing their games with us!

Here are a few snaps of how our evening looked...



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