
Mothercare Apples and Pears Moses basket

Having somewhere safe and comfortable for your baby to sleep can make the world of difference to how well they settle, especially through the night. It's advised that babies under 6 months sleep in the same room as their parents and I think this is why Moses baskets are so popular as a convenient and portable bed solution, especially in the early weeks with a newborn.
I've always loved the Moses basket phase with my boys and the reassurance of knowing they're so close to me at night time so I can hear every little snuffly noise.

Like with our prams, after three children I feel as though I have tried my hand at a few Moses baskets and I know what I like when shopping for one. These days they are so easy to get hold of and there are some stunning designs to choose from. We've always gone for the more open ones but this time, I thought it would be nice to try something a little more elegant and eye catching in appearance. 
This is Mothercare's Apples and Pears Moses basket and it really is dreamy! I knew I wanted a basket that felt a bit more sturdy and strong and this one is exactly that. It's so strong in fact that you can set this one on the floor and know that your baby won't be able to tip it when they're bigger , but equally it fits nicely into the generic Moses basket stands from Mothercare and in terms of aesthetics, it just looks so beautiful- a real Pinterest worthy piece to bring some wow factor to any nursery space.

Joshua has been enjoying hanging out in here swaddled up in this gorgeous zig zag blanket. I find the basket works well as a day bed in the afternoon so I can just set it up downstairs and let him lie in it if I need to be getting on with other things. It's safe and really convenient and just looks beautiful in any space. 

We love our Moses basket and I would definitely recommend this one to any other new parents who want to buy one with a bit of show stopping drama! 

*This post was written in collaboration with Mothercare who kindly gifted me the products mentioned. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


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