
Ebbs & Flows

Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a good week and a restful weekend?

I wanted to touch base to kind of address where my blog is at and why perhaps I'm not publishing at the same consistency as normal. 
Since beginning my blog I have always found myself going through ebbs and flows with my writing process. One week I can feel so inspired to create lots of content and then the next I have a massive sense of writers block and can't seem to organise my thoughts, let alone type them into anything coherent or remotely worth reading!
I think just recently i've recognised a real ebb in my flow. My energy levels seem to be changing week by week and when I do find five minutes of free time where I could sit and get on,  all I want to do is put my feet up and snooze! I am a bad blogger!

I love this little space and I love sharing aspects of our family life with anyone who enjoys reading about it. Family has always been at the heart of my blog because so much of what I write about relates to my motherhood, pregnancies and relationships. But I don't want it to become too regimented a space where I embark upon a seemingly impossible mission of posting all the time for the sake of content rather than focusing on the quality of that content itself. It's a difficult balance and I know in the past I have put too much pressure on myself to have a constant supply of blog posts ready to publish each and every day.  
With the best will in the world, sometimes it just isn't doable and I hope you'll forgive me for those quieter seasons when there doesn't seem to be much going on here!

But I do have some lovely little pieces coming up in the pipeline that I am looking forward to sharing with you and I hope you will continue to pop back here every so often to catch up with us!
Thanks as always for your support as readers and I really hope you will continue to enjoy this happy little corner!



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