
Noah's Digger birthday cake

I wanted to share with you Noah's birthday cake as it was such an easy creation, yet perfect for an excitable three year old with a love of diggers!
I came across a similar design on Pinterest which sparked the inspiration as I knew Noah would love it and as it only involved me decorating a shop bought cake (I know- totally ran out of time to bake), it was a really enjoyable- not to mention tasty- centerpiece for our family gathering at the weekend.

All I used to put this creation together was a large Thorntons chocolate cake, a multipack of crunchie bars, a toy digger, a couple of Lego workmen and some candles to light. I began by positioning the digger to look as though it were mounting the cake ready to decant a pile of 'rubble'. Next, I emptied all the crunchies into a large mixing bowl and took a wooden spoon to them! I smashed the pieces into small, rough chunks which would resemble the rubble. I then scattered the pieces into a pile on top of the cake and placed the excess crunchie dust around the sides of the cake to give the impression of a worksite. 
I also left a few chunks of crunchie in the digger bucket to make it look as though it had just emptied a load of rubble- I think Noah totally bought it which is all that mattered!

To finish, I simply placed our two Lego workmen on the surface and positioned the three candles off to the side- et voila! This was unbelievably easy and really enjoyable to put together plus Noah and his cousins seemed very impressed with the whole thing so I think it worked really well!

Here are a few more snaps of the cake, along with some eager little ones ready to taste the finished works!


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