
Little Tikes outside| Mothercare

It never requires much convincing to get our boys outside, especially upon hearing the words 'car' 'bike' or 'scooter'- I'm sure they would willingly spend all day, everyday outside if they could and it's a trait that I really want to continue encouraging for as long as I can.

When I think back to being a child myself, I can still remember the popular Little Tikes cars,  I mean, did they ever go out of style?- I didn't think so either!
Little Tikes have been fuelling the creativity and imaginations of little ones for nearly fifty years and in this generation where we have the biggest battle on our hands with getting young people away from screens; iPads, televisions, games consoles...coming back to the old school toys to encourage little ones to be imaginative on their own feels more rewarding than ever.

Mothercare kindly gifted us one of the iconic Little Tikes cars: the Ladybird Cozy Coupe and the boys are LOVING going through the motions of recreating our long car journeys, filling up the petrol tank, checking the oil- all those seemingly mundane routine jobs they see us do all the time; our boys are actually enjoying!

I love that despite the hold that screen time can have on us ( something we find ourselves increasingly conscious of ), the same toys that we enjoyed as children are still relevant and exciting to our own children and are encouraging them to get outside and be creative in their play.

A big thanks to Mothercare for supplying us with a beautiful Little Tikes car to keep our own little tikes busy!


*Post written in collaboration with Mothercare


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