
5 ways to kick back and 'switch off'

I have always been one of those annoying sorts who struggles to stop 'doing' and to effectively put an end to my working day. Even when the kids are in bed and we're all caught up on the domestic front, I still seem to gravitate towards those odd little jobs that need doing. I know I love the feeling of accomplishing daily goals but I definitely need to press pause every so often and allow myself some space to simply be quiet and at rest.

Anyway, in a bid to clean up my act and hopefully restore a little more equilibrium in my work/life, I came up with 5 tips to help adjust from 'work mode' into 'relax' mode and I thought I'd share them with you! Who knows, maybe you can relate to me? Or perhaps you just need an excuse to kick back and press pause for a moment too? 

01  No phones- As a blogger, my phone is so much more than just a phone. I do a lot of work from mine throughout the day, from managing social media to reading/replying to emails. It's undoubtedly convenient to have quick access to essential information, especially when I'm out and about but I do think having my phone physically on my person makes it hard to not check up on Instagram or refresh my emails for no particular reason. 
I'm trying to be more conscious about putting my phone down the evenings and distancing myself from it so that I can have that mental separation from 'work'. Working for yourself has great perks but one of the major setbacks is the blurring of boundaries between 'work time' and 'leisure time' and with a very small family, I'm aware of not wanting work take over from our precious time with the boys. Phone separation, it's a tough one, but SO important!

02 Reflect- Quite often when I get to the end of the day, I find my brain is buzzing with a million different thoughts ranging from 'Did we do Noah's homework?' to 'What shall I cook the kids for dinner?' That alone makes it hard to relax so I am trying to carve out a few minutes as I end my work day to sit somewhere quietly, without any distraction and to just be at peace for a few moments. I often use this time to pray and to think about what I can be thankful for this day-it's amazing how much a grateful heart can affect your mood!

03 Physically kick back- I make a point of physically stopping too. If that means plonking all three kids in the lounge for some tv time just so that I can sit down too, then that's what needs to happen! The more I am rushing about on my feet, the more 'jobs' I invariably find to do and there are days when it just feels like an unbreakable cycle. Physically stopping is SO important for actually finding rest.

04 Candles- Something about candles just slows the pace right down and I think that is really quite remarkable. I love the way a lit candle also creates a beautiful, calming focal point in any room- they're just SO conducive to a sense of calm and serenity. 

05 Make a point of drinking a hot beverage- This might seem odd, but when you put extra emphasis on enjoying a hot cuppa and not simply abandoning it on the side to cool while you empty the groceries or quickly turn over the laundry-( consequently forgetting all about your drink in the first place), I find it can really help you to relax again and find a little moment for yourself. I'm all about a good tea break and there are days when I do say to the children 'mummy is having her tea, the curious case of your missing sock is just going to have to wait!'- but just the very act of claiming a little moment for my myself really does make an impact on my day, it relaxes me and I think, encourages me to be a better (and more patient) mummy, which can only be a good thing, right?

I hope you find some of these pointers useful, what would your kick-back tips be?


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