
Streamlining my wardrobe

I love a good wardrobe clearout sesh, there's definitely something theraputic about separating the 'wheat from the chaff' if ya get my drift. I don't know about you but personally, I've always favoured a smaller selection of clothes, yes, brimming with pieces that I really love and wear all the time; but avoiding that overwhelming 'hoarding habit' gaining an exponentially growing mountain of items I can't possibly work my way through in one year, let alone a season!

To make sure I am wearing my clothes to the best of their potential and also to prevent me buying things on a whim and not actually getting enough wear out of  them; I like to flatlay my clothes on my bed to look at everything in one go. Then I go to town with arranging, rearranging and coming up with new pairings and ideas for reinventing that same old blouse, or the shoes that are desperate for a well-earned day out.

I think doing this really encourages my own sense of creativity, especially with mixing colourways, patterns and textures. Sometimes, especially first thing in the morning, I find opening my wardrobe can be a bit intense! It's like I don't have the brain power at 6am to find what I actually want to wear, much less to piece together a cohearant outfit on the spot that will do for the school run. I suppose this is why I love doing flatlays when I have a spare few minutes, because they are SO visual and within seconds I find I can have the next working week's-worth of outfits all organised and planned-weather permitting!

Anyway, I didn't write this to wax lyrical on the contents of my wardrobe but more to show you my starting point when I'm looking for a bit of outfit-inspiration. I've popped together some photos from my last flatlay session where you'll see one underlying theme going on: COLOUR! I actually really enjoyed playing around with these pieces, the earrings and bags and colourblocking my way to summer style!

I've also linked at the bottom to all the individual pieces if you fancy a peek! :)


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