Long weekends are always the very best. There's something SO nice about Sundays that feel like Saturdays and then a bank holiday Monday that makes you feel like you've had a mini vacay away from the normal routines.
Our Monday off was just gorgeous in every way. So much so, I think we all felt a little out of touch with what day of the week it actually was. And when this morning rolled around; it didn't really feel like Tuesday at all. Nice to think we only have a short week ahead to follow a long weekend-now that's my idea of a good work/life balance! :p

I hope you all had a gorgeous weekend anyway? Something about the heat, the sun and the generally bright, chirpy moods all around made me feel like we were on holiday- specifically not in England! I spent half the time imagining and planning summer getaways and the rest of our time splashing about with the kids outside, walking in the countryside, picnicking and eating ice-creams by the bucketload. I mean, does it get any better?

I was saying to a friend the other day how aware I am of the way the weather impacts my mood and with this recent heatwave, I have to say I have been on cloud nine. It helps that the kids LOVE being outside too so spending a whole weekend in the sunshine has been just lovely. It really made me feel like the cobwebs were being blown away and the confines of the house, somehow lifted.

I've been thinking lots about creating a culture of 'outdoors' for our family as they grow; I guess to be more aware of our surroundings and to live outside more than inside. Sometimes I think we can all get a bit too connected to our creature comforts and how sad it is that there are days where we hardly venture out of the house at all.
Granted, weather does play its part but I am hopeful that this summer will bring about a changed lifestyle for us. I want to really get into gardening (watch that space!), using the car less, walking more and looking for more ways to utilise the outdoors for fun before resorting to the tv babysitter. I just notice how much happier we all feel when we live this way, how much the boys already thrive in it!
This weekend really cemented my vision for living well outside and seeing the boys grins from ear to ear spoke louder to me than words could have.

I've said it many times and still hold it true that Joules are a clothing brand that really 'get' this insatiable thirst for life, for living outdoors and for growing families. We come back to their clothing year after year because of the quality, the comfort and especially so for the children; the thoughtful and cheerful designs that excite their little imaginations.
We were very kindly gifted some clothing which, to be honest, could not have arrived at a more perfect time. The kids were in dire need of new sandals (Jonah's obsession with wellies has not yet lifted, even in the 25 degree heat!) Something had to be done!

As a family, we love their pieces and I think they just play so well to everyone's individual interests. The boys each got some new t-shirts, shorts and sandals- all very eye-catching and snazzy which makes it easy to spot them when we're out and about (tactical parent manoeuvre there!) but they also love them because they're fun and vibrant!
I chose light and airy fabrics for myself as I had one request for last week- to keep cool chasing after my boys. I really liked how my outfit made me feel comfortable in the heat but still had a little boho-chic to it. Right up my street!

It's been a gorgeous few days for us and whether or not this weather sticks around, I think we've all learned something about ourselves which has been the best part really. There's a big wide world out there waiting to be explored; even (and especially) if it is at the slow pace of one ants nest at a time!

*Post written in collaboration with Joules who gifted all the clothes pictured.
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