
Where I'm at...

I am such a sickler for a routine. I find myself able to think more clearly and plan my time 100% more effectively when I know what the plan of action for any given day is. And don't get me wrong, there is definitely a special place in my heart for easy days where you do little but potter about in slippers sipping tea; but I like that feeling of ticking things off my 'to do' list and getting to the end of the day with a sense of satisfaction.

I touched upon it in my last post but, for me, September is such a great month for finding my rhythm again. As summer ebbs away and we begin to think about the onset of autumn and, dare I say it, even the C word (Christmas), I love the challenge this final quarter of the year presents to see out the rest of 2018 with as much enthusiasm and gumption as I began it back in January.

Life is all about balance and so far 2018 has challenged me to achieve a healthier work/life balance more than any other year since I began this blog. You'll also notice I've blogged far less this year than any other since and I'm actually happy that I've not been churning out as much content. When so much effort and time goes into creating blog content, stepping away from it here and there has actually been really healthy for me. I've sort of rediscovdered the joy of silence; spending evenings sitting and reading books with no notifications pinging around me- I think I almost needed reminding that while it's perfecrtly okay to be a blogger, it's vital to switch off from it now and again.

I took the summer off and really posted very little between my blog and social media to the point of seriously wondering whether I wanted this any more. The truth is that I do love it; I love the creativity that sparks within me when I have an idea for a photo or I see an image that provokes me to redecorate my lounge! I do love it but I want more balance in my life and, for an 'all or nothin' kinda girl, that's quite a challenge to achieve in itself.

I hope you'll stick around reading my blog as I definitely have lots to share and I'm looking forward to the next weeks and months. And I also hope you understand too that in a world where people are so intrinsically connected to their devices, it have never been more important that we put them down on a regular basis.

*My gingham dress was very kindly gifted by Stalf


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