
Keeping mentally fit!

I feel I've been quite a bad blogger recently and have skipped out on posting because we've just been busy enjoying the summer! My August's over here tend to be a bit quieter as we like to make the most of our holidays and family time together, so I hope you'll forgive me for not being quite so active these past few weeks. I do think it's important to take time out sometimes and just be really present with my family and life.

That said, I wanted to share something that I've really been getting stuck into over the past few weeks. Since graduating from uni four years ago now and subsequently getting married and having children, I've really noticed myself losing some of the mental sharpness I used to have. I know pregnancy hormones can have a lot to do with this but I also think my mind has become a bit sluggish since I finished academic studies and I've definitely noticed a difference in my memory capacity and the way I process information. Considering my everyday conversation tends to be on level with a toddler, it's not so surprising that there is a mental decrease as I suppose I'm just not exercising my brain the way I used to!

However, I have been playing Sodoku a lot recently to try and keep those cogs turning! Yes, I am well aware that once again I am releasing my inner closet granny every time I print off a new puzzle, but i'm really getting stuck into these and have already seen some real improvement in myself mentally.

I think that over the last few years my 'me time' has been quite focused on getting back into shape post pregnancy and I've focused on the more physical aspects of getting fit and strong post birth.  However, I never really stopped to consider my mental health and actually it's so important to keep your brain stimulated and challenged to feel healthy and young too!

I'm trying to delve into more 'brain gym' type puzzles to help sharpen up the old cogs...I'd love to know any of your tips for keeping mentally sharp too, do let me know if you have any!



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