I seem to have blinked and the end of the year is almost here! After hibernating for a couple of weeks soaking up our newborn Joshua, it feels as though half a year has passed and most noticeably too when I peel back the curtains to find actual frost has set in overnight!
With the clocks going back, the considerably shorter days and the plummeting temperatures of late, I feel so consicous that I have not had my 'fill' of autumn yet- even though I am so aware it's almost winter now!
Last week we managed a couple of little adventures and it was so lovely to finally get to enjoy the sounds of leaves crunching beneath our feet, to spy conkers falling off the trees and to feel the novelty of actually needing to wrap up in warm layers for the first time since before summer!
Our October was decidedly slower paced with a heavy emphasis on cosy days indoors, resting a large pregnant bump and then enjoying welcoming our littlest addition into the fold. Yet, the boys have had some real fun and little do they know they've helped their mama get back on her feet with their non-stop desire to live each day to the full!
Here are a few shots of me and mine, enjoying autumn at its finest :)
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