"Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service and character." - William Arthur Ward
I've definitely been thinking a lot lately about my blog and the kind of content it's churning out; how it's representing our family and the underlying message in every post.
As a blogger, I am always trying to grow and evolve in creativity and in sharing aspects of our family life, but I want to do so in a way that doesn't appear to be bombarding our lovely readers. I really hate the idea of being just another 'component' in our already heavily consumerist culture and, the more our family grows and changes, the greater this desire within beckons me to talk about the things that really matter and move away from materialistic topics. (Don't get me wrong though, there will always be some space for current favourites!)
My blog's integrity really matters to me because, ultimately, I've always wanted this space to be enjoyable, entertaining and transparent. As a result, I am careful about the kinds of collaborations I enter into and always seek to reach an equilibrium between advertising brands we love, whilst remaining in line with and focused on the blog's own sense of identity.
Occasionally I find myself blogging less because I want my content to be 'on point' rather than repetitive and the idea of 'quality over quantity' is becoming more of a dogma to me than ever before.
I hope you don't mind some quieter weeks over here. Rest assured, there are going to be some lovely little posts coming your way this month and I look forward to sharing more with you very soon!
Photos- Onto the good stuff!
We've been living in the garden recently and the boys have been totally making the most of sunshine, freshly cut grass and colour pops of blossoms and blooms everywhere. This time of the year is so full of life, don't you think? The kids thrive in the outdoors, the landscape is growing and everywhere you look there is such a sense of expectation!
Expectation for warmer temperatures, for trees covering themselves in greenery and for baby animals to be spotted dotted about our fields...to name but a few of our personal family favourites!

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