
Holiday essentials in association with Panasonic

I always find prepping for holidays such fun. As chief organiser of bags and the general packing proceedings in our household, it normally does fall to me to ensure we have all our travel essentials packed and ready for 'the off' and, I have to say,  it's a job I thoroughly enjoy, signalling the start of another family adventure.

In association with their amazing range of 4K Compact System Camera, Panasonic recently asked me to think about what my top travel essentials are and in light of this I have come up with a few !

As we are such a young family, there are definitely a select handful of items that I like to keep close to us, regardless of where we are travelling to. From wetwipes and snacks to in-car entertainment comprising colouring books and pencils, story podcasts and an iPad; we tend to rely on the same four or five products to ensure easy passage and quite often, damage control! (Damage being:  sticky-fingered, bored little people embarking on their fifth round of bickering because they're hungry (again) and we're still "not there yet!")- Parents, you get the jist?!

Holidays do provide such a wonderful escape for everybody though; a chance to reconnect, to lose ourselves in happy wanderings and a welcome break from normal routines. It's a chance to let go of the everyday stuff of life and simply enjoy the people we've been placed with; the ones we love.

If I had to think of just one ultimate, no.1 holiday essential, it would without doubt be a camera.
 The thought alone of bringing those special memories home, being able to decorate your walls with them and forever be reminded of cherished moments together, the very essence of  family life. Wouldn't we all want to relive those precious moments in our hearts forever? 


*This post does contain sponsored content, however all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.



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