You may have noticed I've been mysteriously quiet on social media over the weekends lately. Even though I get some of my highest engagement at that time (which, 'job-speaking' is probably not a very clever move of mine) but life-wise it has been SO liberating to carve out healthier work/life boundaries- and stick to them!
With the school routine now a firm part of family life, we have all come to value our weekends so much more and I really want the children to grow up, as I did, knowing that the weekends are all about family.
I'm one of those people who thrives off rhythm and routine; of knowing what the plan is and running with that. Especially being the homemaker of four boys, I find that being in control of the day to day running of the family really empowering and gratifying in my role as a mum. I know some might see that as a bit of an archaic mindset in this day and age but for me, it's so fulfilling to know who I am and what I'm meant for. Out of all the things that drive me; my interests and passions and future dreams too, nothing has taught me more about who I am than motherhood.
This approach definitely translates over to my work- life too where I know that in an environment where I have structure, my content blooms.
Whilst gone are the days of me uploading three posts a day (still don't know how I used to manage that!) I'm actually really content with my current routine of uploading 3-4 blog posts a week, normally on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays with the occasional (pre-written) post going up over the weekend too. - (Only if it's literally all edited, mind, and ready for me to hit publish!)

I'm hoping that these little tweaks in my work/life rhythm will contribute to my overall sense of balance, enabling me to have a better handle on the various spinning plates in my life. I don't know about you but I am such a weekend bird and I live for lazy (guilt-free) pyjama mornings, sipping coffee and eating all the croissants with my boys. Wouldn't wanna change those moments for the world and that is why I am claiming back my weekends!
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