I was going to use this post to summarize life lately and what we've been up to. However, on reflection I've probably managed to spend about 80% of my time recently in front of the fire, or tucked beneath blankets. Whether working away on my laptop or even escaping from said computer; it seems that being physically close to the fire and burying myself under cosy layers have become a daily routine of their own. I never said I didn't have an inner closet granny, did I?
Jokes aside, I really am a home bird though and in these past two weeks I've spent SO much time ploughing through work in the most 'hygge' inspired environment I could create.
Have I felt more peaceful for it?- Definitely!
Maybe I've subconsciously been staying in because we're all trying to save the pennies in advance of Christmas shopping- and no, I haven't even nearly begun doing ours!
But regardless, November has really felt like a preparation month in many ways. Preparing for Advent and Christmas and everything they involve and also preparing my work schedule and trying to get ahead so that I feel able to step away for the Christmas season. (SO excited!) But with all these things and the necessary organisation involved, November has definitely been a busy one for us!

Something that has been making me feel very excited for the season ahead are the many Christmas catalogues that have been coming through the post thick & fast recently. I've been flicking through these mostly in the evenings when it's quiet, (obviously with the fire flickering in the background) and my sharpie at the ready to circle away!
I think catalogues are such a nice way to inspire you to begin thinking about Christmas shopping/decor ideas and they're far less overwhelming than the internet too, as sometimes I find the infinity of internet shopping pretty exhausting, especially when I have a limited amount of time to scour the internet. And don't get me started on needing alll the self-control to NOT digress from the kid's toy section into The White Company's cashmere section!- The struggle is real guys!
Anyway, I think catalogues are going to be a bit of an ally for me this season. Rather than facing the chaos of the high street during December, you'll find me snuggled up in the lounge, doing a little Christmas shopping from the comfort of home; fuelled by mulled wine and more than my fair share of mince pies, of course!
How do you like to do your Christmas shopping? Are you an online peruser at your own leisure or do you like to join the crowds on the streets?
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