
Noah's 9 month update

Happy Mother's Day to all the mummies out there! What a wonderful occasion for us to remember all  the mothers in the world who dedicate their lives to raising the future generations. This is my first official Mother's day, (as a new mummy) and I feel privileged to share in the joy of celebrating motherhood. It's wonderful to finally understand that unconditional love I had heard about for so long in the bond between a mother and child, and now to really live it with my son. 

Without further ado, I would like to share with you Noah's 9 month update, what he has been getting up to recently and the milestones he has been making! I still can't get over the fact that we are heading closer to his first birthday!!

Eating: Noah is eating three meals a day, including formula milk and a few snacks. It does seem like tons, but he doesn't always eat a huge amount of what he is offered, particularly at lunch time. For breakfast he normally enjoys a mashed banana, Lunch normally involves 'finger foods' such as sandwiches and chopped veggies like cucumber and tomatoes. Noah will then sometimes have what we are eating for dinner, or at least an unseasoned version. However, if it is too rich I make him a puree of vegetables such as potatoes, broccoli, carrots, sometimes with plain chicken mixed in.

Sleeping: Noah is a brilliant little napper during the day time. He has a morning nap normally between 10AM and 11AM and this will normally last at least an hour, sometimes more! After lunch and playtime he also has an afternoon nap which can last up to two hours! Although his need for sleep does vary from day to day, I tend to let him lead me as to when to put him down because he always lets me know then when he goes from being a happy chappy to rubbing his eyes and getting drowsy! At both nap times I give him a bottle of formula which he always gets so excited about, it's so unbelievably cute! 
Noah still is not sleeping through the night in that he wakes for a bottle feed normally around midnight and then around 4 or 5AM. We keep our night bottles ready to go by our bedside table so that when he wakes we can quickly prepare a bottle and give it to him. He is able to drink it and go back to sleep pretty quickly so none of us feel too sleep deprived. When we move into our new home though he will have his own room and I'm hoping the distance from us will help him sleep through...fingers crossed!

Movement: Noah has well and truly mastered sitting up and now he is exploring other means of movement. He can pull himself up to a kneeling position to reach things such as a sofa seat. He is beginning to crawl but at the moment he prefers doing an army crawl on his belly. It is quite impressive how quickly he can move when he wants to though: place a breadstick out of his reach and he will literally zoom towards it! He can also push himself to sitting up from lying down. Recently when I have been going up to fetch him after nap time I have found him sitting up in his cot grinning at me, I just can't believe he is no longer a tiny baby and is now becoming this little independent person who is making more decisions for himself, especially when it comes to getting to where he wants to be or choosing preferred toys to play with. 

Talking: Noah is garbling and chatting away all the time these days. He can say "Dada" and sometimes he will say "Mama" too! Those are really the only words I feel that he sometimes uses in context. Often he will make noises that sound like words, such as 'doggy', but I think at this stage it's more of a fluke. 

Playing: Everything is a toy at the moment and i'm finding myself increasingly paying more attention to him when he is playing because he is that bit more mobile now, wires and cables are just as exciting as his collection of toys. He loves exploring his surroundings and is very curious to know more about where he is rather than just whats in front of him. It's really cool to see him discovering the world around him!

Teething: Noah has about 7 teeth, definitely with more on the way! And my goodness they are sharp too! He has recently got into this habit of biting which we are trying to curb, poor thing has no clue when it comes to biting my fingers or arms! haha! I think his teeth are really making a difference to his enjoyment of food and textures in his mouth, he is gradually having more lumps to chew in his puree dinners and enjoys crunching breadsticks, veggies and fruits. He has had the occasional treat as well, for example, a few licks of Daddys ice-cream the other day. He got so overly excited about the novelty, it was adorable. He enjoys yoghurts too, Fromage Frais are his favourites, he LOVES these, so much so, that he often gets upset when he has finished a pot! We have started brushing his teeth too, he has his little baby brush which is so cute and it sits in the bathroom alongside ours, I always think there is something really cute about a 'family' of toothbrushes....sorry, I'm a bit sad like that! I have been brushing his teeth at night, and recently started introducing baby toothpaste, just a smidge!

Clothing: Clothing sizes vary from shop to shop, but Noah is definitely in age 9-12 months, although he does still wear a few items that are age 6-9 months. I love clothes shopping for him though, now that it's spring and the shops are gearing up for summer, its lovely to see the baby boy swim shorts and t-shirts...sooo adorable!

Weight: I haven't had Noah properly weighed for months! But recently I did plonk him on the bathroom scales, just out of curiosity and he weighed 1 1/2 stone! I'm not sure how accurate that is, but my goodness me, he has definitely put on some!

Anyway, that's about it for now, I will do another update at 10 months as he is changing a lot at the moment!
I hope you all have a lovely sunday- don't forget to spoil you mothers! :)

Love Bunty 


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