
Heros & Hormones

Noah has been coming up to us a lot recently just to say mummy or daddy, 'you're my hero!' Words that reach right down into my soul and tug at those mummy heart strings. 

I've been having a bit of a down week in all honestly. You know what it's like when life seems to be catapulting you forwards at 100 miles an hour, or maybe you don't- but this week I've found myself struggling to keep all the plates spinning. I feel overly sensitive and frustratingly hormonal too. I can tell those pregnancy hormones a mile away and they've definitely been getting the better of me. And today, well I just couldn't seem to turn the tears off- even when literally laughing at myself for the sillyness of it all!

Just a couple of weeks before we found out we were expecting, we were given the news that our landlady wished to sell our current home, leaving us pretty high and dry and with three months to find a new place to live. It happened to coincide with some really positive developments for my husbands business and as the weeks have passed i've come to consider that maybe this isn't such a bad thing after all. We are 'serial movers' after all and for the amount of moves we've made over the past four years, we're definitely getting this moving lark down to a fine art!

But just to quantify some of the 'chaos' i'm referring to, I guess it's the unknown and the upheaval of our lives once more.
 We were so delighted when we found out we were expecting again but we did laugh at the timing of it all. Just when we found ourselves comfortable, grounded and ready for baby no: 3, we find God has more to ask of us. I think sometimes we're not called to live within a comfortable bubble and from our personal experiences it's always in the moment we recognise that we are living in that place that something shifts to stretch us further, to challenge us more and ultimately, to allow us to grow closer as a family and in our trust of God.

This week has been undeniably tough for me on a really personal level. But every time Noah has reached out to say 'mummy, you're my hero' I've felt a wave of something like reality hitting me. Just knowing that in his eyes, Eddy and I are everything. Noah's faith in us and unfaltering trust is not only incredibly uplifting but it truly inspires me at every moment to be a better mother, to be more patient and trusting...all the things I struggle with on a daily basis.

More than ever I cling to our truth that home is not a physical place, it's not a material item or possession. Home is more a truth of the heart. It's being with the people I belong to, who belong to me and who I share my life with.

We are on the hunt for our new home and whilst quite honestly, I feel like a crazy hormonal mess right now, I'm optimistic that this year is going to be one of our greatest. We have so much to look forward to and so much to celebrate after all!

And on that note, I hope you have a beautiful & restful weekend dear friends!



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