
New Christmas Traditions- A birthday cake fit for a king!

Well, now that Christmas has officially arrived let me just say a great big Merry Christmas to all of you and yours! I hope everyone had a really lovely Christmas day itself and the oppertunity to celebrate with loved ones.

Sunday seemed to come and go in a bit of a blurr for me. We were up very early (no suprises there!) as the children were just too excited that Santa had been and wanted to get straight into their presents. To be fair, it's probably the only day in the year I'm willing to greet a 5am start the same eagerness and excitment as my children!

Our day was a relaxed affair with plenty of merriment and the excited echos of little voices shrieking with delight and circling through the house. We ate and drank our way through the afternoon and by the time our feasting was over, we all collapsed into the living room to watch movies and relax with a real sense of content and cheer.

Coincidentally, this was the first year I felt Noah sensed more of a meaning to Christmas than just presents. During Advent he seemed really interested in the story of the Nativity and in the concept of us celebrating Jesus' birthday over 2000 years later. Now, birthdays are a concept my children know a thing or two about and so, to help put Christmas into a context I knew they would really understand, we decided to make our Christmas celebrations feel akin to that of a birthday.

I decided we would make a birthday cake for the baby Jesus and adorn it with candles, even singing 'Happy Birthday' too! This was a really fun little activity to do on Christmas morning and it was just lovely to take a moments pause in the busyness of the day to consider what we were celebrating.

The kids got to work decorating and soon transformed a humble swiss roll into a rather grand looking yule log! It really looked amazing and actually made a nice alternative dessert to our Christmas pudding which the kids aren't so keen on anyway.

I think it worked really well to have a little activity for the kids to get stuck into on Christmas day. Even from a practical point of view it was nice to have something to bridge the gap between presents being opened and lunch being served! And knowing that anything cake related would be a winner in my boy's books, I had a sneaky feeling they would LOVE to make baby Jesus a birthday cake, and eat it in His honour too!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too! We like to celebrate the whole 12 days in our family and so the season continues...!



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