Mummy of three.
A question I get asked allllll the time in reference to parenting three little boys is "how do you do it?' And I never quite know the appropriate response because I do totally get where it comes from. No, it isn't easy all the time and literally only up until yesterday (when Noah started school) was I parenting 3 pre-schoolers around the clock seven days a week. Some days I definitely didn't have it all together (still don't by the way!) And let me tell you, there have been days where even I have wondered to myself how on earth am I going to do it today?
Yet, one of the loveliest aspects about being a stay at home mummy is that you get to see the very best of your children. You get to witness those awe -inspiring moments where new personalities are forming right in front of you. From the beginnings of those first gummy smiles, to the cheekiest of 'threenager' retorts! You see them in their prime, playing, experiencing new things and most importantly, learning how to be part of a family; how to love and how to be loved. I said it in a recent blog post and I'll say it again, It is such a privilege to be a parent!
Those are the thoughts that kinda carry me through the days that are less than picturesque. Not only am I a mother, I am their mother!
Learning to sacrifice, to pick your battles, to give more of yourself and to finallllyyyy stop worrying about what everybody else thinks about the way you parent your children- these are among the biggest challenges I've personally faced since becoming a parent. And no, I haven't gotten even close to nailing it yet. If anything, my four-year journey into parenthood so far has made me even more aware of how much I have to learn!

Isn't that what's so often missing in the world?
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