
Deliciously Ella sweet potatoe brownies

A few weeks ago I saw a programme featuring Ella Woodward who is increasingly better known for her fabulous book 'Deliciously Ella.' Her book features a whole host of raw and healthy food recipes which really work to provide your body with the best nutrition possible. In a culture where refined sugar has become such a part of daily life, and in many ways, an addiction, Ella really tackles this by substituting unhealthy foods for super foods and creating her own recipes for much loved favourites like chocolate brownies! (Which just so happen to be a personal weakness of mine!)
What's not to love about eating a chocolate brownie that is actually heathy for you and full of nutrients and vitamins which your body will thank you for! It's a total win win, right?!

Yesterday, we had a go at making Ella's sweet potatoe brownies. I didn't really know what to expect as I had not made these before, all I had to go on were the fabulous reviews and attention this particular recipe had received. There has been a lot of hype surrounding the use of vegetables to make a sweet dessert...is it really doable? I wasn't sure, so I had to have a go...

The results we're surprising. Whilst no, these healthy brownies are not like biting into a bar of dairy milk chocolate, they take on a surprisingly satisfying and rich texture due to the sweet potatoe, dates and almonds and really do feel and taste decadent. 

Whilst I have to admit, they don't compare to that first bite of a regular chocolate brownie, I suppose that is because we have become so reliant on sugar. I would say these alternative brownies have a slightly acquired taste, but for their many health benefits including being packed full of nutrients and antioxidants whilst containing anti- inflammatory properties and, not to mention being great blood sugar regulators, they really are worth every bite! And, honestly I really enjoyed them!

If you fancy having a go at making these, let me direct you to Ella's website where you can find out more about this recipe including how to make it ( it's surprisingly easy!) and you'll also find plenty more of her recipes there too! 

You can purchase Deliciously Ella by following think here
Or, head over to her website and check out this recipe and more here!

Have a great day! 
Love Bunty


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