
Ludovico Einaudi

When we were growing up, my siblings and I had weekly piano lessons and took our grades along with school exams. From this discipline grew a great love of music for all of us and playing the piano, for me, is something that I have come to love doing. 

It's an escape, a creative outlet, a constant challenge and an opportunity to grow. It's a skill my husband and I hope to pass onto our children and one day, I hope they will enjoy music in the same way we do.

One of my most favourite Italian contemporary composers is Ludovico Einaudi who, for me has utterly transformed the way I enjoy playing piano. I discovered him through my older brother years ago and ever since then I have sought his sheet music whenever I've been home. Even when I feel rusty, (especially if it's been a while since playing his music), my hands seem to remember the rhythms and melodies faster than my brain does and I find it easy to pick up where I left off.

Two of my absolute favourites of Einaudi's compositions are I Giorni (The days) and Nefeli. 
These two pieces of music are part of my ultimate 'chill out' playlist. Wheather by playing them myself or listening to them on my iPod, I never grow tired of these beautiful pieces of music. 
If you haven't heard his work before, I would love to share it with you. 

His music is available to download on iTunes and you can reach my two faves by following these links.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day!

Love Bunty


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