
Love & Tragedy

The news has been steeped with some of the most tragic stories this week. So poignant have they been, I have found it impossible not to be moved. Whilst I don't often sway towards political issues on my blog, the refugee situation is clearly far more than just political; it's a desperate humanitarian and moral issue. 

The sorrow of families fleeing unsafe homes only to end up separated, lost and bereaved is too much to imagine.
As a mother, sitting here in the comfort of my home, surrounded by my family with my children fast asleep in their beds, I can't help but feel a longing to reach out in some small way to the countless families who are risking everything to find a place of safety for their loved ones.

Juxtaposed to such sadness and sorrow, this week Noah verbally told us he loved us for the first time ever. My heart melted with pride as I saw the joy in his eyes as he looked at me and continued to repeat his love for me. Since the other day, he has been reminding me that he loves me with his cute "I wuv you mammy." This simple one line speaks right into the depths of my heart, it tells me of his gratefulness for being cared for, for feeling secure and for being loved unconditionally. 

 Reading about the different news stories this week has really affected me. Ultimately, I am so grateful for having the privilege of living in a secure environment, for having clothes on our backs, food on our table, a roof over our heads. 

I think about motherhood and what it means to me and how I live out my motherhood. And then I think of all the heroic mothers and fathers in the world who act so selflessly to protect their own families, putting their own lives at risk; foregoing food, safety, warmth, shelter- all the things we can so easily take foregranted. In thinking about the reality of this in the world we live in, I find I am glimpsing love on a totally different scale. The kind that will move mountains to protect. So fearless and strong and ready to defend.

 How I hope I can spend my life living up to these examples of love.



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