We're currently staying with Butlins in Minehead after they invited us down to try out their 'just for tots' week. This is basically a week which runs a programme of activities specifically for pre-schoolers of which you can dip in and out of as and when you please. Our mission has been simple: to make the most of this amazing opportunity here, to allow the kids to experience new things and more than anything to have fun together as a family.
I have to say, so far it is nothing that I expected it to be. We arrived here on Monday ready for a break from everything and so happy to check into a beautiful apartment which has truly offered us a sweet haven to hide away from the real world. After a short stint exploring the grounds on Monday evening, we came back to our little hideaway and relaxed into the evening.
When Tuesday morning dawned, I was not prepared for the hive of activity that buzzed all around us from the moment we woke. Stepping onto our balcony to drink in the views and the gorgeous sunlight that spilled through the windows, I could see countless families seemingly heading in every which direction whilst little ones laughed and ran alongside.
These were the early birds, the ones whom Butlins knew would likely be up at the crack of dawn with their kiddos and surely in need of refreshment and hearty fuel at a slightly earlier hour than your standard! An easy task for Butlins to cater towards as they open many of their restaurants early in the morning to greet young families.
We've spent the last couple of days just trying to delve into everything with the same enthusiasm as the kids. Noah and Jonah are so interested in everything! They are distracted by everything too and we have very much been following their lead, letting them direct us between the playparks, toddler rides, cars and live entertainment. Without one word of a lie, two days in I am exhausted! It's as though we haven't stopped and as far as the term 'holiday' goes, this one has not been relaxing!
However, on reflection, I think it was never supposed to be a quiet getaway or 'relaxing' in the way I may have prejudged it to be.
What it has been is far more rewarding and memorable than I could have imagined. This location and the way it is so geared towards children has encouraged the boys to really come out of their shells and tap into their natural thirst for adventure. We feel as though we've been able to really step back and watch the way they interact with each other and those around them in a way that we don't necessarily get to see on a daily basis.
Whilst it is busy and loud and a little chaotic at times, there is a real sense of family here. It helps that the vast majority of people staying are made up of families with pre-schoolers and somehow the uniformity of that just makes the wider sense of family feel more prominent. I feel safe here and I feel that my children are safe to explore at their own pace, without my having to worry about the levels of noise they make, the way they want to run everywhere or even the occasional tantrum! As a community of holiday makers, we're kind of all in it together and that just feels paramount here.
This is such an easy place to slot right in as a family and to just go at your own pace. So far we've explored a lot of the park itself and have also pottered down to the gorgeous beaches which have been so warm (thanks to some seriously hot weather!) and relaxing- right up our street!
It's definitely a different take on a holiday because I don't feel physically rested in the slightest! However, mentally, I feel we have had the chance to reconnect as a family and really enjoy the children without the distractions of normal life and that is something that really is priceless to me!
I'm going to be posting some more of my thoughts about our week here as well as giving you a little tour around our digs- stay tuned for some serious vibrant decor coming your way soon!
In the meantime, I'd love to know any of your thoughts about Butlins! Are any of you seasoned visitors?
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