
Keeping faith...

'Growth never comes from within comfort zones' 

I wasn’t sure how to begin this blog post or really whether it was something that I should put out there at all... I’ve spent the best part of ten days away from our laptop and firmly rooted in family life, trying to make sense of and cope with a few curve balls that have been sent our way. In brief, my mum suffered a heart attack almost two weeks ago and has been in hospital ever since. Only in the last day have we finally received good news that her treatment is underway and now we can look ahead to welcoming her home and making the necessary changes there to support her after such a harrowing experience.

It’s been a really tough old time for our family and, as you can imagine, normality and everyday routines have all taken a step back as we’ve (my brothers and sisters and I ) all congregated home to just support our dad, mum and each other as best we can. Whilst I’m so thankful that we’ve finally had some good news, the ‘limbo’ of the last two weeks has been quite something as we’ve all just felt so helpless with worry for our dear mum.

 It's been a raw period of time and one where we've all been considering huge life changes to find new ways of supporting our parents as they are also the full-time carers for two of our disabled brothers. 

Yet, whilst this has been hard on everyone, it has also been a really peaceful time of growth. We’ve quietly just sought to be there for each other and have known that whilst we're all feeling an  awful sensation of powerlessness, hope and love have really seen us through. Finding positivity, taking heart and just trusting in God’s goodness has given us real strength and solidarity in the face of fear and uncertainty.

In many ways, my mum is my hero. Her dignity and grace have really shaped the way we have coped as a family with everything this month has brought us. Even feeling worse for wear mum has led us all by example- not a single complaint or word of frustration have left her lips! We are so fortunate to have her for a mother and for her endless example of faith, hope and love!

We cannot wait to have you home mumma!



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