
A scarf for all seasons

I always enjoy dressing in autumn. It feels as though the world of fashion goes into overdrive at this time of year mirroring the natural world around us with rich hues of colour. Everywhere we look designers favour the deep purples to mustard yellows- and it seems that almost before summer is out the shops begin filling up with pieces that will entice us to make the most of the season. Woolly coats, hats and gloves take centre stage and before we know it, we’re stocking up on the essentials once more to welcome the colder months.

Being this heavily pregnant however, I definitely just make up my own rules when it comes to clothing though. In fact, my current standard takes more of an ‘if the shoe fits’ kinda approach being that most of my clothes don’t actually fit me at the moment! Therefore, I am getting stuck into using accessories as a key to changing up the same old look for the bajillionth time!

At the end of summer, I bought a really beautiful scarf from Zara to use as a bit of a transitional piece. My sister actually inspired me as she picked it up in blue and I was literally in awe of how soft and cosy on the skin the fabric was. I decided to buy it in pink with the intention that it would see me through the colder months and I was so delighted when it arrived, beautifully packaged and just so cheerful and bright! It's also enormous and so cosy to wrap up in when we're on long car journeys or just out and about. 

Granted, it's perhaps not your standard ‘autumnal’ shade but it is absolutely beautiful and I know I can wear it with so many outfits this season!



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