
Almost 3 months!

I actually found myself doing a double take when I saw Joshua the other day. I don't know if the Christmas period has totally distracted me, but he seems to have grown so much recently and I'm recognising so many developmental changes in him. I worry if I don't quickly write them down he will just grow so fast and I won't have a record of his early weeks to look back on!

I know newborns grow at an incredible rate, yet somehow it seems this little baby has grown even faster than I ever remember his brothers doing so. Joshua is 11 weeks old (almost 3 months eek!) and he is thriving. He is such a happy little thing and is full of smiles for anyone who will pay him the smallest amount of attention.

He's also become very chubby and stocky which I LOVE. His wrinkly newborn skin has filled out now and the baby rolls are seriously showing up around his body! As you can imagine, Joshy is also busting out of his 0-3 month clothing and so I'm trying to stock up  on bits and pieces for the next size up as before we know, he will be way too big for his current wardrobe.

Aside from the obvious physical changes, Joshua is also now increasingly aware of the world around him. He's very interested in looking, following movements, sounds and light. He clearly recognises our faces and will beam with gummy smiles when he spots us in the room. It's such a lovely stage of his development because he's so happy and content but having him react to us personally is just the best reward ever as parents!

Routine wise, it's still very day by day and flexible. With two other little boys to contend with, it kinda has to be that way at the moment. But I love it! He's sleeping pretty well too so I am definitely beginning to feel a bit more confident about night times in general. They're only made tricky by his older brother Jonah who has a habit of waking at 5am at the moment. (Fingers crossed he breaks that cycle before we get too much further into 2017!)

I think that's about everything for this update. I'm going to try and make them a more regular thing because they're so precious to look back on as the children grow.

Hope everyone's having a great first week back after the holidays!



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