
Raising Those Rascals

Being a parent changes everything. It changes the way you perceive yourself, the way you see the world around you and it certainly highlights what matters most to you in life. 

The everyday routines of raising our little ones quite often force us to focus on the here and now and as a result, we end up living very much in the present. Whether it's strategically dealing with a brewing tantrum in the shopping aisle- (before it reaches its absolute peak and the people around you really begin to notice!) Or maybe in preparing a meal for the children, spending the whole preparation hoping to goodness that they will actually eat it.
 We parents are experts in the games of cause and effect and I'm sure I won't be the first to admit a few 'deal sweeteners' have worked wonders in the past to bribe the kind of behaviour I've wanted from my children.  

It occurred to me recently that the simplicity of my day to day vocation as a parent compels me to live in the present tense; to not worry about what's coming up tomorrow, next week, month or year, but to simply be the best mother and example I can be to my children right here, right now and in this moment. I know myself too well and I often allow things that are in the future to dictate my mood or the way I react to my children. 
Learning to 'let go' of what is in my periphery is so important to me, whether it's the fact that we are going to be late to an appointment, or the time it's taking to master toilet training the boys. Instead of worrying about those things, just focusing on what I'm doing here and now brings me a lot of clarity as their mother. 

This week I've really enjoyed so many of the entries over on our Instagram hashtag #RaisingThoseRascals. It's always such a happy, vibrant place, full of the joys of family. I've come to really love catching up on the hashtag on an evening and especially when I'm feeling a bit low for whatever reason. There's always an image that  grabs me and really brings a smile to my face and I just feel this community is going from strength to strength.

What's that saying...power in numbers? :)

Here are some of the gorgeous entries from this week...







Beautiful, as always ladies! If you have an Instagram account, do head over and follow these ladies feeds, you'll love what you see!

Thanks everyone for continuing to share, support and enjoy #RaisingThoseRascals



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