
Looking to spring!

There's something wonderfully refreshing about the onset of Spring. I might be slightly premature in blogging about it (she says looking outside onto a frosty garden) but with the ever-so-slightly longer days that are just beginning to become noticeable, I can't help but feel totally ready to welcome spring!

Unlike January, where many of us embark upon new resolutions and with every good intention of making changes, Spring for me heralds a fresh optimism and a stronger urge to eat clean, exercise more and be more creative.

I think the gradual increase in sunlight has a lot to do with this as in general we feel more productive when we're able to throw open the doors and fill our lungs with fresh, sweet air.

I feel excited by all the small details. For example, being able to wear less layers such as a simple waterproof, without the countless jumpers and scarfs beneath.
 And the colours that begin to fill the home (and wardrobe) at this time of year- life is far more colourful in Spring, yes? Not to mention all the seasonal buds and flowers that prepare to welcome you outside...I cant wait to see those first daffodils flood our garden pathways!

It's a great time of year, one of my favourites and such a lovely season as a mother of busy boys. I am already longing for warmer days spent outside, watching my boys charge about the place and really channeling their thirst for adventure!

Winter, you've been magical but we are definitely ready to see Spring take hold of our land, our homes and our hearts!



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