

It's been a quiet couple of weeks on the #RTR front as I've found myself just needing to take a step back. We all have those weeks where we are simply pulled in other directions and for us,  our attention and energies have been well and truly focused on getting the children to sleep through the nights. Happy to report progress on that front though- Fingers crossed last night was a breakthrough and not simply a fluke but ALL the boys slept amazingly and we didn't go downstairs for breakfast until a very civilized 6.45am! *Touch wood it stays that way!*

We're all feeling so much better for a couple of really good night's sleeps. It's definitely one thing to be woken by a little baby who needs feeding but toddlers waking with an an agenda for midnight feasting is quite something else!

Speaking of little babies though, Joshua turned 4 months old last week and all of a sudden I am faced with the slightly scary reality that he is getting SO close to the six month mark. Mum's, you'll understand the juxtaposition of emotions that coincides with your baby's growth. On the one hand it is so wonderful to see Joshua develop and thrive but on the other hand, I am so aware we have closed the chapter of his newborn phase. It's always so fleeting but I have so enjoyed it third time around!
I do feel as though I blinked in the hospital and the tiny babe I could cradle in one forearm has now become a chunky cherub with baby rolls, chubby cheeks and the biggest gummy smile. And all of this change in four short months! It's little wonder his appetite is growing at a rate of knots too.

In terms of general life we are so looking forward to spring and the welcome change in daylight, warmth and colour outside. We're already glimpsing the season ahead and I cannot wait to watch spring unfold and to really make the most of it with our (not so little) family!

I had a wee scroll through the hashtag this morning and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw we how we have grown so much again! We're almost up at 8k tags and I'm kinda blown away that it has become so regularly used and loved by all of you! Big thanks for all the support, it's such a lovely little community and I'm so excited to see where it goes this year!

Even bigger thanks to these lovelies who really caught my eye this week. Aren't these images just gorgeous?! If you love this little space on Instagram, you will LOVE these accounts so do head on over and give these mamas a follow!









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