
Watching the world

I've never been that 'big' on collecting baby paraphernalia, nor have we ever had shed loads of money to spend on every single gadget on the market to promote baby's sleep/fine motor skills/ or any other developmental skills.
When we had Noah, we got by just fine with two main products: his pram and a BabyBjorn and I didn't ever really question or take the time to explore anything beyond those two key items.

Being a mother of three children close in age, I have never needed a third arm quite so much as I find myself longing for these days. I do secretly really enjoy the challenge of getting from AM to PM all by myself with the kids and most of the time, I feel myself going from strength to strength and trying my very best to keep all the plates spinning!

But there are days when I really just need somewhere safe to place the baby for a moment, especially if one of the other children needs me urgently. My sister in Law recently leant me this battery operated baby seat from Mamas and Papas and it has totally transformed the way I manage my days and evenings with three.

It's wonderful watching Joshua's little character begin to emerge and being able to see him interact with the world around him, beginning to make sense of this crazy group of people he has been living with for the past 16 weeks! He is definitely creeping ever more quickly towards wanting more stimulation and entertainment when he is awake and loves the sensation of movement, being rocked or held. In fact, he will often cry if I put him down without anything to do or look at.

This baby seat is one of so many out there that really encourage babies to begin taking an active interest in what is around them and with the soothing battery operated vibrations and musical lullaby options, it's also very soothing for little ones to take naps in! 
I've found myself using this seat quite a bit during the day and evenings, to promote both interaction and encourage Joshua to take a nap if he's getting tired and so far it has worked brilliantly! I honestly don't know how I got around to having three children without one of these.

It's not rocket science but this seat has been making a huge difference to my life recently. Being able to offer Joshy somewhere that is a bit more interesting to relax in than a flat Moses basket has been unbelievably helpful. For us, this is one of those little baby products that is SO worth every penny.

   Mums, what are your favourite baby products that you just can't live without!?



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