Reflecting on the week we have had has made me feel very thankful for all the blessings and good things in our family. On thursday my little boy took a tumble on the corner of a skirting board and punctured just above his eyebrow. After having the paramedics over, his wound was tidied up and glued and we are all so relieved that it wasn't a worse situation.

Noah is going to be fine, but at the time my heart was breaking because my little solider was hurt and there was little I could do to help. I've never been around a scare like that before, but when it's your own child you're trying to help it was very hard for me to keep calm in that moment.
As a mother, every worst scenario plays through your mind as you hold your child waiting for the ambulance to arrive which is, I must say, chilling. But it certainly puts things in perspective for me and for our family. I have entrusted my family to God and in moments of trial I know I have to hold onto that trust whatever happens.
Wishing you all a blissful weekend!
Sorry to hear about that! Hope he's okay now :) It's horrible when things like that happen. Very sad. Archie had a trip in the ambulance recently too. He had an allergic reaction to the milk in Aptamil cereal :( Enjoyed the ride though! Fell asleep straight away! xxx