This week we have had my younger sister Rosie staying with us as well as one of my oldest friends, and Eddy's 'best bud' John. It has been really nice hanging out and spending time with all of us together. Naturally though, whilst the boys were plotting new adventures and projects together yesterday, Rosie and myself seized an opportunity to take ourselves off for a couple of hours and have some retail therapy! The boys kindly agreed to keep Noah at home so that I could have a couple of hours of 'me time.'

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I left John and Eddy with some simple requests, nothing too demanding or difficult..."Please feed the baby and make sure he has his nap!" They both agreed to this and so I put my mind at ease as I left, knowing all was fine, baby was happy, and I could shut off my 'mummy radar' for a little while and just enjoy the rare opportunity for quality time with Rosie.
And I must say it was bliss. If you are not pushing a pram around town trying to shop whilst keeping a little one entertained, please do not take for granted how easy your life is! haha! I felt like a teenager again perusing the shops without a care in the world! Whilst trying heaps of clothes on with Rose, time seemed to vanish and we fully indulged in all the wonderful colours and fabrics we were viewing. It was so much fun, and a real rare treat for me to have that opportunity!
After shopping till we were worn out, we decided we better head back and catch up with the boys. I have to say I still find it hard to go more than a few hours away from Noah without allowing worries to creep in, or just missing him. Sometimes this tendency does make me my own worst enemy though!
Anyway, we finally made it home and as I walked through the front door I immediately clocked a few things out of wasn't until I reached the lounge that I could really survey the full extent of this 'baby sitting' situation:
Toys absolutely everywhere and remnants of food strewn across the carpet. 'Lunch' must have happened at some point as the tell tale pizza crusts were scattered along the dining table with used mugs decorating the near edges of the surface. The dishwasher had been on a cycle and was now finished, still fully loaded of course, with the next pile of dirty pots lining just about every flat surface we have. There were socks and shoes muddled into this new floor layout, a bin that had overfilled...onto the floor tiles. I was sure the daybed sofa was still present...if i were to do a little rummaging! And just to top it all off, two grown men and one baby, all sitting on the floor grinning up at me as I walked into the room. I tell you, those 'puppy eyes' have never worked on me!
After hearing lots of excuses amidst plenty of laughter, Eddy thought he would point out a moment of productivity that had taken place in my absence. After asking me to "check out Noah's ears", I hastily did so half thinking 'surely not another accident?!' But no, seeing the grin on Eddy and John's faces, that seemed unlikely.
No, the boys decided that whilst Mum was away, it was as good a time as any to give Noah his first haircut. Modelled on a cross between Friar Tuck and Spock from Star Trek... Nice one lads! Apparently Noah's hair was far too long around his ears and needed shearing in a straight edge cut! Wow!
This preceded more apologies and laughter, followed up with a casual "but don't you think it looks better?"
Anyway, you get the picture! Eddy and I have very different ideas about how a domestic day in the house with Noah should pan out and how to 'organise' the chaos that can easily ensue. We are polar opposites in this way as I am an extreme OCD clean freak! But, I have to say on days like yesterday, I am proud to be! haha!
Family life is never perfect and rarely easy. A photo can be very deceiving and having a blog has made me feel a bit responsible to ensure I don't paint an untrue representation of my own family life. There are days when it is messy, chaotic, noisy and downright unpleasant! And these days are all part of the larger fabric of our lives, they shape our learning and the choices we make to strive to be better spouses, better parents and generally nicer Christians!
love Bunty
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