
Spinning plates & Mommy guilt

Tomorrow I have an exciting day planned with hubby. We have cleared our calendars to head down to London for the day and just enjoy having a bit of fun in the big City.
I think this trip will mark my second day away from Jonah, gradually building towards that milestone first night away! It’s so important to somehow fit in ‘us time’ around our children and business. Necessary, but not always very easy to achieve! As you probably know, we are in the midst of moving house and so for the past couple of months we’ve been trying to sort out everything from organising new furniture (Noah still doesn’t have a bed!) and keeping the demands of Hubby’s business afloat.

I feel really quite aware of how easy it is to slip into 'autopilot mother mode’ and forget about Bunty the person before Bunty the mother. 'Mommy guilt', I tell you can be so heavily detrimental to any relationship. That voice that says you are failing as a mother because you need a break. What kind of weak example of a mother should confess to needing a break!? Don't feed that mommy guilt mamas because it is destructive! 

I'm learning that in order for ME to be a good mother requires my own personal space once in a while. It means having a solid relationship with God and a solid relationship with my husband. Keeping all of the plates spinning is no easy task, after all, it's a doddle for me to sit here and type the words, but I know that to achieve this balance will take me a lifetime to even begin to master.

Anyway, tomorrow we are going to take the train to London. We are going to enjoy sipping coffee and popping in and out of shops-pram free for a change! We are going to catch up on ourselves and talk, uninterrupted, simply because we can! It's such a treat and I am completely excited to welcome a whole day to ourselves.

We're also going to be having a rather exciting meeting which i'll tell you all about soon.

Have a wonderful evening friends,
Love Bunty


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