
Welcome November!

Hello lovelies, I'm not sure what happened in October but the whole month has seemed to just vanish on us. I think on our end we have been pretty tied up with planning our move, work commitments and our every growing babies keeping us busy.

The clocks have gone back and we are now finding our feet with the shortened days and long, dark nights. I have never felt so thrown by the oncoming winter as I have this year. I don't really know why it's bothering me so much, but the sweet memories of summery days spent at the beach feel like an absolute age ago! 

Taking a moment to address the elephant in the room- yes the blog suffered a bit last month! Honestly, my time feels really spread at the moment and there seem to be lots of days where something has to give. I'm unwilling to compromise time with the children and so I have been putting the blog slightly on the back burner whilst we have been negotiating the future for our living situation and keeping up with our rascals!

Good news on that front though- We are moving and we have found our next home! I am beyond excited to get settled in and show you around. You know that feeling when you step into a house and immediately feel at home? It doesn't happen often but I couldn't ignore it when we visited this particular house in question. My husband and I fell head over heels for it and, thankfully, we have been able to make a go of it.

November is going to be seriously busy for us. Amidst physically moving house, buying furniture, settling in etc, we have Christmas to plan for, presents to organise and a whole lot of blogging to keep on top of. I can't pretend I don't love being busy, but I am promising myself to keep a balance and not to become overwhelmed by it all. Here's to hoping!

What plans do you have for the next few weeks?
I hope you all have a beautiful week!

Love Bunty


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