
A little sanctuary

Since I was little, I have always loved moving the household furniture around. I used to love the challenge of trying to maximise space and create a different feel to a room using all the same pieces, just arranged differently. I’ve been eyeing up some new bedroom furniture and this week, had a little play about with creating a ‘mock up’ of an idea I have to create a cosy little space to unwind in.

 I don’t think there is anywhere in our house that doesn’t get ‘rearranged’ by the children each day. Wherever they go, their toys tend to follow and having quite an open plan home means that the concept of a 'play area’ is never limited to one space. More often that not, the play area slowly take over the home and come the evening, I can find toys hidden in the most unusual of places!
 I don’t mind this really as I love seeing the boys enjoying their home and playing together. However, I have been thinking about making myself a little quiet zone upstairs where I can go to relax, without first having to put toys away and tidy up!

It’s amazing how just a few touches and an accent of furniture can be enough to provide a little sanctuary, a grown-up spot to find peace, quiet and a bit of space. In this case, I’ve literally just moved a wooden chair up here and dragged our cosy sheepskin rug in. With the addition of a few books, a radio and some flowers, this is more than enough to facilitate a little unwinding for this mama!

I love that for me, it doesn’t need to be particularly lavish, or necessarily result in a spree of buying lots of new things. Instead, using what we already have and rearranging them to work with what I envision can be a really satisfying, easy way to breathe life into the home.

I've really enjoyed this little space during this past week. The fairy lights give off such a beautiful, warm glow in the early evenings and whenever I pop up to our room now, I immediately feel calm, relaxed and happy to be there.

What's your favourite spot in your home? 



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