
A moment to recharge...

I had a rather special day yesterday which I wanted to share with you. It was just supposed to be another weekly business trip for my husband Eddy, until we decided to merge it with a little adventure of our own.

The other night as I cradled Jonah in the small hours, I realised that it had been well over a year since I had had a full night’s sleep and in fact, I had never been away from Jonah for more than a few hours. I also realised that over the months I had been really starting to feel this constant fatigue and wondering why, oh why our little bundle of joy was still not sleeping through the night…at nearly a year old!

When you have small ones to care for, everything you do is entirely centered around your babes. From the moment you wake, to the moment your head hits the pillow, no decision is made without factoring in the needs of your children. Honestly, it’s one of the most fulfilling and beautiful relationships I’ve ever had, but never to be confused with easy!

I love being a full time mummy and I am so grateful to my husband that I am able to stay at home with the children and together, witness all their  little (and big) milestones. However, i’ll be the first to admit that there has to be balance too. The more I care for my children, the more I realise the importance of keeping our marriage strong and healthy; making time for it and spending quality time together. 

So yesterday, we decided to mix a business trip with a little fun of our own. We stayed the night in Portsmouth in a local b&b where, after experiencing a heavenly full night’s sleep, we awoke to a peaceful breakfast and quiet all around us. 
Of course, it’s such a catch 22- I spent the whole time worrying and missing my boys but I knew it was important for us to make time for each other and so we decided to spend the morning perusing around the place we used to live, talking to each other, grabbing coffee (just because we could!) And really reconnecting with each other, without any interruptions, tears or tantrums from our tinies.

For me, it was just the perfect amount of time to recharge my ‘mummy batteries.’ I didn’t really realise how much I needed to top up my energy levels and also clear my head. As we settled into our b&b for the night, I had such a sense of peace that I had forgotten, or at least not appreciated in such a long time. Mums, you understand that with small ones, you spend a lot of time being touched by them, poked, prodded, cuddled and rugby tackled! Whilst I love having their sweet arms around my neck, there was something so wonderful about having a break for just one night. Having my physical space that wasn’t invaded and time to just sit still and say my prayers uninterrupted. 

One of our resolutions for this year is to try and find a better balance to enable our marriage to flourish and grow. Between running a business and keeping up with toddler routines, I know firsthand how easy it is to let things slip. Before you know it, a few days have passed and you feel as though you’ve barely caught up with each other. We’re lucky in that we have family close by and so we are able to ask for help with the children when we really feel things slipping! However, making time for your marriage definitely doesn’t always have to involve nights away and expensive dining at restaurants. When we can’t go out on an evening, putting the children to bed a little early, turning our phones to silent and having a ‘date night’ at home can be a great way to get that time in as a couple!

And now I am back home, surrounded by my loves and having had a chance to catch up on myself, I feel revived and ready to be the best mother I can to them!



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