
Bedtime Stories with Eve Sleep | *TWO* Children's Mattress giveaways

I think that bedtime stories have to be one of my favourite parts of our day. There's always something magical about gathering in close and setting off in our minds, journeying to imaginary worlds and realms where anything is possible. And if you heard the vivid tales my little boys manage to come up with night after night, you'd struggle not to believe in the magic too! 

Granted, ours do tend to feature plenty of fire-breathing dragons and knights in shining armour amongst all the usual characters that often capture the interests of little boys. It's funny how I don't even need to promote particular themes or storylines to them; the idea of fighting 'baddies' and of heroes saving the world are just innate and come out of them in the funniest of ways!

I treasure these moments though, a joyous rarity indeed when our three manage to sit together, concentrating in unison for more than twenty seconds. I can't help but allow my mind to wander into the future and imagine how they might spend their time together then; what they will look like, perhaps cosied into a pub booth with their daddy, pints in hand and laughter all around. And then me, as ever, probably with camera in- hand, perched precariously and trying to photograph the moment to keep forever!

The bedtime routine is such an important marker for our family, signalling to the boys that the end of the day has come and (hopefully) prompting them to wind down and mellow. And of course, creating a cosy bedroom environment can make such a difference to their sleep quality too. A place where they feel safe and happy and a place they genuinely enjoy spending time in; these things definitely encourage our children to rest when they are supposed to and to rest well!

We've previously worked with Eve Sleep who create the most sumptuous and beautiful mattresses. They also cater for tiny tots and, in fact, Joshua was the first in our family to benefit from the wonders of an eve cot- bed mattress. (I've been secretly jealous ever since!)
eve has very kindly offered me the oppertunity to host not one but *TWO* limited edition Huckleberry Finn cot- bed mattress giveaways.- exciting!! These, my friends, are just beautiful AND tried and tested, I am utterly convinced they help little ones to sleep more soundly.
Put it this way, we've all had a try of Joshua's mattress and we all want one! Ha!

I'm going to be hosting the giveaway over on my Instagram page TONIGHT so keep your eyes peeled for that! In the meantime, do head on over to eve to check out their gorgeous cot-bed mattresses, or, (ahem), the adult ones...ya know, there's no harm in a peek, right?!

To keep up to date with the competition later on, you can head on over to my Instagram HERE. Remember, to enter you must be following both mine and the eve sleep Instagram pages and you must comment below the competition post, tagging any friends you think who may be interested in entering too!

Good luck!

* Post in collaboration with Eve Sleep
** Jonah decided to take an impromptu nap during our shoot- just to explain his absence! :p


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