Stopping for tea is such a quintessentially British part of life. In fact I see it as much a part of the day as the sun rising and setting and whilst I am most definitely a 'coffee first thing' kinda person, I *always* look forward to my mid-morning cuppa, my tea-break, my moment for pause.
Noah has gotten into the habit recently of asking me (with great concern, I must add) on the school run home 'Mummy did you have a break today?' I really don't know what provoked him to start asking me that question but if ever I say 'not really' to him, he seems so worried for me- the little cutie!
But just that little, regular exchange has got me thinking recently of the importance of 'downing tools'- figuratively, whether that be a laundry basket or bright marigolds, and taking a moment to just be still. And of how important the action of breaking from work, wherever you are, is for your mental endurance and wellbeing.
I find I'm far less frantic and I engage so much better with the children when I avoid that feeling of having been running around like a headless chicken all day. And yes that does mean enforcing a break here and there because, let's be honest, one-year-old's ain't gonna consider your schedule when they've got a mission in mind. (Que Joshua setting off up the stairs like a ninja and giving his poor mother palpitations on discovery!)
But I really do think there's plenty of value to be had in setting a little time aside each day to stop what you're doing and be still. I can't wait till it's warmer and we can actually throw open the windows and doors and listen to the birds singing, or pop outside to breathe in the fresh air. There's nothing like the outside to reinvigorate the mind and refresh the spirit!
In truth, breaking from what I am doing doesn't come naturally as I definitely have much more of a 'get it done' mindset. However, I do compelely recognise the value and positivity in my own mindset when I take better care of myself; when I allow myself to run at a slower pace, carving out even the smallest moment for myself within the day to simply drink a hot cuppa.
No guilt, no regrets!
What's your favourite way to take pause for a moment during the day?
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