Sunday seems to come around amazingly fast at the moment. And I am definitely the kinda gal who lives for the weekends so it suits me down to the ground. Whar with the lazy breakfasts and brunch-o'clock pyjama habit that we just can't seem to break (not that I've tried too hard!) I just love my nest being full and enjoying the weekend for the chance it brings to gather and be together.
This weekend we've celebrated and sniffled- in equal measure, it would seem! Sunday saw our youngest nephew being Baptised so we all went off to church with a spring in our steps, ready to welcome our littlest Christian. What a joyful day it was!
For the celebrations, I recycled one of my favourite dresses to date, a silk Laura Ashley number from summer last year. Laura Ashley, do turn out some gorgeous designs and I always think they're a great port of call if you're looking for a fabulous summer dress with quality sewn into every stitch!
Unfortunately for us, we've been combatting the dreaded lurgy these past few days and the kids have all caught variations of it. Poor Joshy has particularly struggled and we've found ourselves catapulted back to those sleepless nights you might expect from a newborn. Funny though, how once you've lived life with a newborn that first time, you kinda get used to a night of no sleep; it's never quite as painful as you think it's going to be, you just somehow pull it out of the bag and cope. I suppose we have to be grateful for little mercies don't we? And I'm grateful that as of today, they all seem to have turned a corner.
Here's to catching a few more hours of uninterrupted zzz's this week! - Are you listening up kids? :p
Looking ahead to this week, we're on the downward spiral to half term and I just cannot wait! Noah breaks up on Friday and we will officially be on hols, hurray! It definitely does feel a little premature so soon after Christmas but I'm not gonna lie, I think we all need the break and headspace to get over gloomy January and mentally prepare to welcome spring! But seriously, how long was January this year?
It felt like forever!

I hope you all have a fab start to the week, whatever plans you have laid out!
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