
Guerlain's Mitsouko

 Good morning everyone! Today I have decided to post about a perfume very dear to my heart. This is Guerlain's Mitsouko and has, for as long as I can remember, been the soul perfume my mother wears.

 I think it is amazing how our sense of smell is so closely linked to memories. I'm sure i'm not the only one who, when catching a beautiful scent, is catapulted back in time to a memory. Well, nothing reminds me more of my mother than this beautiful, deep scent. 
She always wears this on her way out to church, on special occasions, or just during the day if she feels like it. I admire her loyalty to this perfume as she definitely knows what she likes and sticks with it.

As much as this perfume instantly reminds me of home and my mum in particular, I never really thought of myself ever wearing it. Growing up, I much preferred typical sweet and sugary scents that are so popular amongst teenaged girls. Mistouko is none of those things! To me it is a very sophisticated and 'grown up' scent and when my mum bought me my first bottle for my 18th birthday, I almost felt too young to wear it. As a result, it has been sitting on my vanity chest, looking beautiful, but hardly ever touched!
However, recently I have started wearing it. Something about it is just so luxurious and feminine and I definitely want in!

 I have to say I am rubbish at describing scents, Guerlain describes this as:

 'Fruity Chypre. Mysterious, balanced, velvety.
'A masterpiece of balance and originality, Mitsouko marries a fruity note of peach with jasmine flowers and May rose. The mysterious dry-down of the fragrance blends spicy notes with those of underbrush and vetiver.'

Doesn't that just sound beautiful? I love perfume descriptions, you can never imagine the outcome from reading about it, but once you smell it, the description really comes alive.

Is anyone else a Mitsouko fan? 
Love Bunty


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