
Granola pots

At the moment my days seem to be non-stop from the moment I get up and I've been finding that I actually don't really have time to sit down and eat breakfast the way I used to. In the past I would enjoy eating porridge because it would fill me up properly till lunch but I've fallen out of the habit of making it and, for a while, I just haven't bothered with eating anything in the mornings. 
This is totally breaking my own rules though as I know it doesn't help your metabolism to fast till lunchtime. Recently, I came up with a solution though and have started making these quick and easy granola pots instead. 

Not only are these really simple to make,(you could even make them up the night before if you need to get up and out of the house early) they are also deliciously healthy and full of vitamins to start the day. 
I have been making mine in kilner jars which have lids so I can actually take them with me if I need to be somewhere or keep them stored in the fridge. They also happen to look really cute with the layered effect of yogurt, granola and fruit- pretty and very tasty!

In these pots I have used organic raspberry yogurt with natural granola and garnished the top with berries. The three different textures makes a really pleasant and complimentary snack which is bursting with flavour. 

There are plenty of variations you could come up with to make your own granola pots- the sky's the limit! My only suggestions would be to check your granola ingredients as so many supermarket ones are actually full of unnecessary sugars. You could even be brave and make your own!

I should have mentioned that I rarely forego my morning coffee! Whilst breakfast sometimes has to wait, my coffee doesn't! Haha!

I would love to know how you get on with your granola pots if you have a go. Also. you don't need to go out and buy kilner jars specially as a simple water glass would do the job equally well. If you're not sure about trying granola, why not use a mix of nuts instead? 

Ooh, I feel another recipe coming on!

Love Bunty


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