
12 weeks pregnant

12 weeks marks such a welcome milestone in pregnancy. The point at which it feels the right time to announce the good news publicly and for me, the time when morning sickness slowly begins to ease and I find myself relaxing into a new dynamic. It’s been an interesting, yet wonderful eight weeks so far; knowing about this tiny little life growing away inside me. There have been moments when I've genuinely forgotten that I’m pregnant at all as it’s been too early to physically ‘show’, and there have also been moments when I've felt myself fall straight back down to earth with a plonk- the all too familiar aversions to certain smells and foods with a continuing sensation of nausea; I have not missed you one bit morning sickness, my friend!

This is also the week we finally had our 12 week dating scan, something I always treasure and look forward to! The relief, the joy, the gratefulness and sheer excitement always flood me on scan day and I was just so happy to see that our little one looks healthy and happy in there. The scan measurements match up perfectly to my estimated due date in October which is so good to know! 

How far along? 12 weeks

Weight gain/measurements: I haven't really gained any weight just yet and my measurements haven't changed either.

Maternity clothes: Not yet, I'm still quite happy in my current jeans and tees. I'm counting my days though as that will definitely change over the coming weeks- probably sooner than later!

Sleep: Sleep is fine at the moment- save from Noah and Jonah's occasional early morning visits to our room! The pregnancy itself isn't affecting my sleep so far so I'm just enjoying every hour I can snatch!

Best moment this week? Seeing our baby at the ultrasound scan was definitely my finest moment this week. Fellow mamas, you'll know the relief and sheer joy that builds when you finally have living proof of your pregnancy. Being able to see the heartbeat flickering away and the jerky little movements of our baby as he/she moved about, quite unaware of being watched- it always feels like such a miracle. Third time around is no different to first, that feeling never gets old!

Miss anything? Not especially! However, I do miss having lots of energy at times as I find it hard to summon the energy to work out or do anything too strenuous. I'm looking forward to the old hormones settling down soon and getting into the second trimester which for me is always more comfortable than the first!

Food cravings: More than anything specific, I find myself back in that classic phase where I can't go too many hours without eating something. 'Hanger' as my husband affectionally calls it (a sleek case of hunger induced anger) definitely doesn't become me but I find myself having to eat small portions often to keep my blood sugar levels consistent.

Anything making you feel queasy or sick? Smells do! When I'm pregnant even water has an offensive fragrance which is hard luck considering I've been trying to drink lots of it. I'm still working out what I need to avoid and how to combat a sudden wave of nausea- especially in public! Fingers crossed we will soon be at the tail end of the morning sickness phase!

Symptoms:  I've had a few dizzy spells and am experiencing heightened fatigue. I'm going to be seeing my doctor about them soon to rule out anaemia but I'm definitely curious to know why those symptoms are so extreme this time around. I've been finding climbing the stairs enough to give me a wave of head rush and loss of breath- totally extreme considering I normally feel fit, well and strong!

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to getting beyond the questionable 'has she gained weight?' phase and the pregnancy becoming slightly more obvious. I feel like I'm currently living in a strange kind of limbo where I just look a bit awkwardly round, but not exactly pregnant!

Typing this all up, I still can't believe we're here all over again! I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful to be able to do this all over again. I've had a huge sense of that this week, something I wanted to share with you!

I think that's just about everything for this week's updates, Again, I'm just so excited to be able to share these updates with you all. I hope they might be of help to any other expectant mothers out there and I hope you will continue to share this journey with us!



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