
13 weeks pregnant

This week has been by far the easiest so far in this pregnancy. My morning sickness seems to have totally cleared leaving me feeling so much more energised and back to myself! It's amazing the difference it makes to every little task when you simply feel well- I so appreciate that we seem to be turning the corner!
This week has also seen my tummy 'pop'! From not really looking pregnant at all to permanently looking like i've eaten an enormous meal, I'm beginning to see physical changes and despite initially feeling nervous about them coming on so quickly, I find myself excited for the growth, the change, the constant reminder that this little life is flourishing and thriving within me.

Weight/measurements: So I weighed myself a couple of times this week and it seems to be fluctuating a bit. At the beginning of week 13 it looked as though I had gained a couple of pounds so far, but then they apparently disappeared later in the week- Perhaps the scales are broken! I think i'll definitely be starting to gain though, my tummy certainly doesn't look the way it did a few weeks ago!

Maternity clothes: I haven't started wearing any just yet but this week I came pretty close! I found I couldn't reach the end of the day in a pair of favourite skinny jeans as the high waisted cut was so uncomfortable against my expanding waist! It's mainly jeans that i'm just starting to notice the pinch with...we will see how long I can last in my regular ones for!

Sleep: Fine, just a classic case of it never being long enough! I do feel a lot better in myself generally but the fatigue is hanging around a bit! The kids are having trouble settling at the moment which doesn't help so we're having quite a few disturbed nights as it is- wish us luck with sorting that sharpish!

Best moment this week? I had a really lovely afternoon out by myself this week. My husband took the children to play at Grandma's, allowing me to pop to the hight street and stock up on a few essentials in Boots. It was such a treat to just be there by myself and not have to bargain with an understandably bored toddler at the same time!

 Missing anything? Not at all actually! I've really enjoyed this week and now having the beginnings of a bump on the way, I suddenly feel myself easing into this journey with such expectation and excitement!

Food cravings: I've not really been craving anything this week but amazingly I seem to be going off tea and coffee. I always rely on coffee first thing in the morning and have done for years but at the moment I just can't stomach the thought! Very bizarre! 

Symptoms: I think I've covered most of my symptoms above but again, this week has been so much easier on every level. I don't feel like half the emotional wreck I have of late, hormones seem a little more settled, my skin isn't breaking out and I feel well! 

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to our next scan now! The 20 week scan is an amazing experience and I can't wait to find out if this little nugget is a boy or girl! And no, I have absolutely no inkling either way! lol!

That's everything for this week's update, I hope you find it helpful mamas!

Don't forget to check in for next week's update at 14 weeks!



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